Aaron Pryor vs Lennox Blackmoore

Hacienda Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
140 lbs
Mills Lane
WBA Light Welterweight World Title (Pryor's 2nd defence)
Unbeaten Aaron Pryor knocked down Lennox Blackmoore three times in the first two rounds today and retained his World Boxing Association junior-welterweight title when the referee stopped the fight 58 seconds into the second round. Pryor, from Cincinnati, dropped the challenger from Guyana twice in the opening round and once in the second before Referee Mills Lane stepped in. Pryor, who weighed 140 pounds, stunned Blackmoore and knocked him to the canvas with a left hook only seconds into the fight. The No. 1-ranked challenger got up but was rocked by another left from Pryor. Another hard left hook on the ropes and a left-right combination put Blackmoore down for the second time in the round, but he got up around the count of six and managed to finish the round. Blackmoore Cut Badly Blackmoore, who bled profusely from a cut over his right eye in the first round, got hit immediately after the second round began. Two straight rights and another left put Blackmoore down again. Blackmoore was dazed, but Lane allowed the fight to continue until another hard left hook by Pryor. Pryor, now 28-0, scored his 20th straight knockout and the 26th of his career. Blackmoore, 139 1/2, was fighting for the first time in 10 months. His record fell to 23-3. Pryor earned $200,000; Blackmoore $50,000. Article: NY Times
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