Antoine Douglas vs Avtandil Khurtside
Sands Bethlehem Event Center, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA
160 lbs
Benjy Esteves Jr.
Khurtsidze threw 813 power shots and landed 276 in this WBO bout, a CompuBox record. Douglas, who landed 173 of 437 power shots, had no answer to Khurtsidze's relentless style of fight. Khurtsidze took Douglas to school in this bout hastily arranged between two fighters whose original scheduled opponents, including Sam Soliman fell off. Khurtsidze set the tempo in this USA Showtime WBO International title bout, coming forward in a straight line and slugging it out nonstop with both hands. Khurtsidze took jabbing Douglas out of his game plan. Douglas got lured into a trap, winding up on the ropes going toe to toe with Khurtsidze in rounds 1, 2 and 3. Douglas, who went down in round three, got up and then fought back hard in rounds 4 and 5 Khurtsidze had Douglas back on the ropes from round five on, knocking him down in round 7, and mounting an insurmountable lead on points Douglas could not overcome. Douglas needed a knockout to win in round 10, but settled on the ropes and appeared out of it. Sensing the end, Khurtsidze came forward swinging and unleashed a power shot barrage to the head of helpless Douglas, snapping Douglas' head back numerous times, ending the contest right then and there and not leaving the scorecards to chance. Khurtsidze said afterwards Douglas' biggest mistake was taking to bout.
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